What to expect through Coaching

Coaching is a personalised journey designed to help you to become unstuck, achieve your goals, and unlock your full potential.

Expect tailored guidance and strategies that align with your unique needs, clear goal setting to keep you focused, skills development to overcome challenges, and regular accountability check-ins to track your progress. Our supportive and encouraging environment provides a safe space to explore ideas, celebrate successes, and navigate setbacks, empowering you to transform your aspirations into reality.

I am a pragmatic coach and am happy to span the whole of the coaching continuum dictated by the situation in front of me.
The coaching continuum travels from pure coaching at one end, through mentoring to training or teaching at the other end.


I was trained in pure coaching, which means asking open questions such as those beginning with, who, what, why, when, how, and then listening deeply to the responses and probing further.  This style helps you to be curious and explore your situation using your own innate wisdom.  At this end of the continuum you will be doing most of the talking.


Mentoring, is about offering guidance and support from lived experience and knowledge.  The offer of this type of support will always be flagged and your permission gained.  Mentoring conversations will have joint contribution from both of us.


And finally, If you don’t know what you don’t know, I love to share a good model to help to train or instruct you with new concepts and learning.  At this end of the continuum it is likely that I will be speaking more.

Through a single coaching session we can use one or all of these methods as required.  The aim is to move you forward from where you are to where you need or want to be.

Leadership and Management Coaching

Research has shown that the performance of Leaders and Managers makes the biggest difference to employee engagement which is linked to overall company performance.

Management Coaching focuses on improving an individual’s ability to oversee and coordinate tasks, processes, and teams. It emphasizes practical skills such as critical thinking, time management, decision making, and performance monitoring. The goal is to enhance efficiency, productivity, and operational effectiveness.

Leadership Coaching, on the other hand, centres on developing a person’s ability to inspire, influence, and guide others. It emphasizes visionary thinking, emotional intelligence, communication, and the ability to generate a positive and motivating work environment. The aim is to cultivate leaders who can drive change, build strong relationships, and create a compelling vision for the future.

While both types of coaching aim to develop essential professional skills, management coaching is more task-oriented and operational, whereas leadership coaching is more people-oriented and strategic.

Forward thinking organisations also invest in their high potentials or leaders of the future, engaging and retaining their talent pipeline.

Management Training Programmes

We also have vast experience in training managers, so we can also provide Management Training Programmes to enable your managers to be fully equipped to bring out the best performance in their own teams

Purposeful Career Coaching

We believe that finding and embracing your true purpose is the key to achieving lasting career fulfillment and success.

Our dedicated coaching programmes are designed to help you uncover your strengths and passions, align your career with your core values, and set a clear, actionable path towards your professional goals.

Our goal is to help you achieve career fulfillment. Our purposeful career coaching empowers you to take control of your professional journey and move forward with confidence and clarity.

As part of this process we can review CV’s and help with interview preparation.

Take a look at our testimonials to see people who have gone through this and are now truly happy, engaged and excited about their future.

Wellness Coaching

Our coaching services are dedicated to helping you achieve greater balance, resilience, and self-belief, providing you with the tools and support you need to thrive. Whether you’re navigating the challenges of daily life, building resilience in the face of adversity, or seeking support through mental health or grief, we are here for you.

Balance and Resilience

Maintaining a healthy balance between work, relationships, and personal well-being can be challenging. Our coaching programs focus on helping you find that equilibrium. We teach practical strategies to manage stress, enhance your well-being, building resilience and confidence.  By developing these skills, you’ll be better equipped to handle life’s ups and downs with grace and strength.

Mental Health and Bereavement First Aid Support

‘Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the help offered to a person developing a mental health issue, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health issue or in a mental health crisis.’ MHFA England

The unexpected in life, such as mental health challenges or the loss of a loved one, can be overwhelming. Our coaching provides essential first aid support during these difficult times.

We offer compassionate guidance and practical tools to help you navigate through grief or mental health issues. Our goal is to provide immediate support to stabilise your emotional well-being and lay the groundwork for long-term healing with signposted  appropriate professional service if required.

We are committed to supporting you on your journey to a more balanced, resilient, and self-assured life. Let us help you navigate your path with confidence and compassion.

Mental Health First Aid England (MHFA) report that at any given time, 1 in 6 working-age adults have symptoms associated with mental ill health.  Mental ill health is responsible for 72 million working days lost and costs £34.9 billion each year.